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External etcd

Enabling this feature deploys etcd on the host cluster in the same namespace as the virtual cluster and configures the control plane to use it as the backing store. vCluster deploys etcd with a StatefulSet, Service, and headless Service.

enabled: true

You can customize the StatefulSet that vCluster uses to deploy etcd. One of the more common customizations is to set resource requests:

enabled: true
cpu: 20m
memory: 150Mi

Add optional annotations to each etcd component.

enabled: true
annotations: "etcd" "false"
annotations: "etcd"
annotations: "etcd"

Config reference

deploy required object pro

Deploy defines to use an external etcd that is deployed by the helm chart

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines that an external etcd should be deployed.

statefulSet required object pro

StatefulSet holds options for the external etcd statefulSet.

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines if the statefulSet should be deployed

EnableServiceLinks for the StatefulSet pod

image required object pro

Image is the image to use for the external etcd statefulSet

registry required string pro

Registry is the registry of the container image, e.g. or This setting can be globally overridden via the controlPlane.advanced.defaultImageRegistry option. Empty means docker hub.

repository required string pro

Repository is the repository of the container image, e.g. my-repo/my-image

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the external etcd image

env required object[] pro

Env are extra environment variables

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are appended to the etcd command.

resources required object pro

Resources the etcd can consume

limits required object pro

Limits are resource limits for the container

requests required object pro

Requests are minimal resources that will be consumed by the container

pods required object pro

Pods defines extra metadata for the etcd pods.

annotations required object pro

Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.

labels required object pro

Labels are extra labels for this resource.

highAvailability required object pro

HighAvailability are high availability options

replicas required integer pro

Replicas are the amount of pods to use.

scheduling required object pro

Scheduling options for the etcd pods.

nodeSelector required object pro

NodeSelector is the node selector to apply to the pod.

affinity required object pro

Affinity is the affinity to apply to the pod.

tolerations required object[] pro

Tolerations are the tolerations to apply to the pod.

priorityClassName required string pro

PriorityClassName is the priority class name for the the pod.

podManagementPolicy required string pro

PodManagementPolicy is the statefulSet pod management policy.

topologySpreadConstraints required object[] pro

TopologySpreadConstraints are the topology spread constraints for the pod.

security required object pro

Security options for the etcd pods.

podSecurityContext required object pro

PodSecurityContext specifies security context options on the pod level.

containerSecurityContext required object pro

ContainerSecurityContext specifies security context options on the container level.

persistence required object pro

Persistence options for the etcd pods.

volumeClaim required object pro

VolumeClaim can be used to configure the persistent volume claim.

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled enables deploying a persistent volume claim.

accessModes required string[] pro

AccessModes are the persistent volume claim access modes.

retentionPolicy required string pro

RetentionPolicy is the persistent volume claim retention policy.

size required string pro

Size is the persistent volume claim storage size.

storageClass required string pro

StorageClass is the persistent volume claim storage class.

volumeClaimTemplates required object[] pro

VolumeClaimTemplates defines the volumeClaimTemplates for the statefulSet

addVolumes required object[] pro

AddVolumes defines extra volumes for the pod

addVolumeMounts required object[] pro

AddVolumeMounts defines extra volume mounts for the container

name required string pro

This must match the Name of a Volume.

readOnly required boolean false pro

Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise (false or unspecified). Defaults to false.

mountPath required string pro

Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted. Must not contain ':'.

subPath required string pro

Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume's root).

mountPropagation required string pro

mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10.

subPathExpr required string pro

Expanded path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Behaves similarly to SubPath but environment variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. Defaults to "" (volume's root). SubPathExpr and SubPath are mutually exclusive.

annotations required object pro

Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.

labels required object pro

Labels are extra labels for this resource.

service required object pro

Service holds options for the external etcd service.

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines if the etcd service should be deployed

annotations required object pro

Annotations are extra annotations for the external etcd service

headlessService required object pro

HeadlessService holds options for the external etcd headless service.

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines if the etcd headless service should be deployed

annotations required object pro

Annotations are extra annotations for the external etcd headless service