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Configure connections to your vCluster Platform installation.

Config reference

platform required object pro

Platform holds options for connecting to vCluster Platform.

api required object pro

API defines how vCluster can contact the platform api.

accessKey required string pro

AccessKey specifies the access key as a regular text value.

host required string pro

Host specifies the platform host to use.

insecure required boolean false pro

Insecure specifies if the host uses a self-signed certificate.

secretRef required object pro

SecretRef defines where to find the platform access key and host. By default, vCluster will search in the following locations in this precedence:

  • platform.api.accessKey
  • environment variable called LICENSE
  • secret specified under
  • secret called "vcluster-platform-api-key" in the vCluster namespace
name required string pro

Name is the name of the secret where the platform access key is stored. This defaults to vcluster-platform-api-key if undefined.

namespace required string pro

Namespace defines the namespace where the access key secret should be retrieved from. If this is not equal to the namespace where the vCluster instance is deployed, you need to make sure vCluster has access to this other namespace.

name required string pro

Name is the name of the vCluster instance in the vCluster platform

owner required object pro

Owner is the desired owner of the vCluster instance within the vCluster platform. If empty will take the current user.

user required string pro

User is the user id within the platform. This is mutually exclusive with team.

team required string pro

Team is the team id within the platform. This is mutually exclusive with user.

project required string pro

Project is the project within the platform where the vCluster instance should connect.