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External database

Configure this feature if you want to use an external database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

enabled: true

Replace CONNECTION_STRING with the connection string for your database. Examples:

  • PostgreSQL: postgres://username:password@hostname:5432/vcluster-db.
  • MySQL: mysql://root:password@tcp(

Vanilla Kubernetes and EKS distros

This is a Pro feature when you are using vanilla Kubernetes or EKS as your virtual cluster distro.

Config reference

external required object pro

External defines that an external database should be used as the backend for the virtual cluster

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines if the database should be used.

dataSource required string pro

DataSource is the kine dataSource to use for the database. This depends on the database format. This is optional for the embedded database. Examples:

  • mysql: mysql://username:password@tcp(hostname:3306)/k3s
  • postgres: postgres://username:password@hostname:5432/k3s

keyFile required string pro

KeyFile is the key file to use for the database. This is optional.

certFile required string pro

CertFile is the cert file to use for the database. This is optional.

caFile required string pro

CaFile is the ca file to use for the database. This is optional.