Other (Dex)
vCluster Platform supports a variety of other auth providers. You can follow this generic guide to configure SSO for any of the auth providers, including:
- OpenShift
- AuthProxy
- Bitbucket Cloud
- Atlassian Crowd
- Gitea
Choose DEX_HOSTNAME And Configure DNS
vCluster Platform uses the CNCF project dex for single sign-on.
The easiest case is this one:
$VCLUSTER_PRO_HOSTNAME = vcluster-pro.mycompany.tld
(where vCluster Platform is running)$DEX_HOSTNAME = dex.mycompany.tld
(where dex should be running)
Create Dex Config For $OTHER_PROVIDER
Create the file
with the following dex configuration:ingress:
enabled: true
- host: dex.yourcompany.tld # Use $DEX_HOSTNAME
- path: /
issuer: https://dex.yourcompany.tld # "https://" + $DEX_HOSTNAME
- {YOUR_CONNECTOR_CONFIG} # SEE LINKS BELOW! (do not remove the '-' and indent correctly)
- name: Loft
id: loft # Define a $DEX_CLIENT_ID
secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX # Define a $DEX_CLIENT_SECRET (can be any secret key)
- 'https://vcluster-pro.mycompany.tld/auth/oidc/callback' # vCluster Platform URL + /auth/oidc/callback
skipApprovalScreen: true
type: kubernetes
inCluster: trueCheck the official artifacthub.io page for all available options.
To fill the
section shown above, go to the appropriate docs page for the auth provider you want to use in combination with dex:Deploy Dex via Helm
After creating the file
, you can now install dex via helm:helm install dex dex --repo https://charts.dexidp.io \
--create-namespace --namespace dex \
-f dex-config.yaml \
--waitConfigure vCluster Platform To Use Dex For Authentication
To tell vCluster Platform to use dex for SSO, navigate to
Admin > Config
in vCluster Platform and adjust your config as shown below:auth:
issuerUrl: https://dex.mycompany.tld # Use $DEX_HOSTNAME (see above)
clientId: "" # Use $DEX_CLIENT_ID (see above)
clientSecret: "" # Use $DEX_CLIENT_SECRET (see above)
type: "github" # Optional: SSO Login Button Icon ("", github, gitlab, microsoft, google)
usernameClaim: "email" # Optional: Which part of the dex token to use as vCluster Platform username (default: email)
usernamePrefix: "" # Optional: Add prefix to usernameClaim for vCluster Platform username
groupsClaim: "groups" # Optional: Add Kubernetes groups for this user
groupsPrefix: "loft-" # Optional: Prefix for Kubernetes groups
caFile: "" # Optional: Path to a CA cert of dex within the vCluster Platform container (default: '')Authenticate via Dex + $OTHER_PROVIDER
After saving the new vCluster Platform configuration, vCluster Platform will restart itself and you should be able to log in via $OTHER_PROVIDER and dex.
Disable Username + Password Authentication (optional)
To disable password-based authentication, navigate to
Admin > Config
add these two lines to your config:auth:
oidc: ... # This is your SSO configuration (make sure this is working!)
disabled: true # Disable password-based authentication